What can cause a weight gain?
Medicines which can cause weight gain
Some medicines can cause weight gain. Some examples are given.
Weight gain and anti-depressive medication
The risk for weight gain varies with different anti-depressive
Depression, sleep and weight gain
Some types of depression can cause longer sleep tim and weight
Weight gain with Litium and SSRI-medicines
Reports from a study of the effect on the weight on patients getting
mood stabilizing medicines.
Weight gain during pregnancy
An unwanted weight gain at the end of a pregnancy can be avoided.
Weight gain when qutting smoking
How to quit smoking without an unwanted weight gain.
Can you eat more if you exercise more?
It is often easier to reduce weight, or avoid an unwanted weight
gain, if you exercise regularly.
Eating too little or normally
Why an anorectic should gain weight.
I eat less than others and still gain weigh
Small differences in the intake of food can cause weight loss or
weight gain.
Tips for relatives of people with eating disorders
Do not require a weight loss or weight gain, but discuss the situation
and listen.
Much salt in the body gives a temporary weight gain by keeping more fluid in
the body.
Fast weight loss
Methods for fast weight loss cause weight gain rather than weight loss. To get
a durable weight loss, you have to change your eating habits for the rest of
your life.
Articles about obesity and its causes
List of articles about obesity and weight.
Medicines for weight loss
Overview of medicines against overweight and obesity.