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Tips to Manage Life with ADHD Children

Abstract: Some simple ways to make life with ADHD children work better.

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Tips to Manage Life with ADHD Children

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Written by: Jacob Palme, professor
First version: 07 Nov 2009.
Latest revision: 08 Nov 2009.

How can I manage family life with ADHD children?


Here are som tips on how to manage life in a family with ADHD children:

  1. Learn all you can about ADHD. It is easier to manage life you understand.
  2. Stimulate and encourage the ADHD children.
  3. If possible, find or start a group of parents with similar problems, to meet and learn from each other.
  4. Make sure teachers and other people who interact with your children know about ADHD and what it means.
  5. Clearly tell the children what is required of them: "In five minutes it is dinner time...", "In ten minutes we must get into the car..."
  6. Let them do other things while talk to them, like playing with a pen and paper, they can easier learn what you say when allowed to do other things at the same time.
  7. Make a break for exercise, all at the same time, now and then.
  8. Get a fish tank, looking at the swimming fish calms them down.
  9. Give them tasks to perform, "Jimmy will you ...". The tasks must be easy enough so that they succeed with it.
  10. Show your happiness when they perform well. Give them praise for what they do.
  11. If possible organize your home, fixed places where things are to be stored, fixed places for defined activities.
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