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High Male Sex Drive

Abstract: A collection of answers to common questions related to excessively high male sex drive.

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High Male Sex Drive

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First version: 22 Jul 2008.
Latest revision: 09 May 2012.

Definition of excessive desire

Sexual desire, or lust for sex, may be greater than desirable. This is called hyper sexuality, sex addiction or satyriasis.

When is sexual desire excessive in a man

When the sex drive in a man is excessive is not easy to determine, since the normal sex drive of many men is so strong. But if the person feels considerable distress, this can be a reason to regard the desire as excessive.

Treatment of excessive desire

Depending on how much the person or others are distressed, a treatment can be set up. However, these treatments are not often used and the result of them is therefore uncertain.

Anorexia and sexual attractiveness

Young women strive to success as film stars by achieving an abnormally slim waist.

Definition of sex addiction

Ten characteristics that can indicate sex addiction.

Medication support in a sex addiction treatment

Sometimes medication can support the treatment of a sex addiction, but always consult with a doctor or therapist first.

Addiction and sex

My wife is upset because of my interest in porn. Do I have a sex addiction and, if so, what should I do about it?

Treatment of sex addiction

List of actions in the treatment of sex addiction.

Family guy porn ; Understanding male sexuality

Many men continue looking at porn even when they are married, even though their wifes are often offended by this. This article explains why men do this.

All sexual disorders

List of articles about different kinds of sexual disorders.


Psychotherapy is often used to treat sexual addiction.

Causes of addiction

Addictions are methods of suppressing anxiety by stimulating the reward center of the brain.

Male masturbation

Almost all men masturbate and this is not a problem unless the person himself or his partner experiences it as a problem.

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