Example: of part of the web4health.info/en/
home page as shown on wide windows:

Addiction Healthy living Psychotherapy
English flag English
German flag Deutsch
Persian flag Farsi
Italian flag Italiano
Greek flag
Polish flag
Russian flag
Finnish flag
Spanish flag
Swedish flag
Russian flag
Finnish flag
Spanish flag
Swedish flag
ADHD Personality disorders   Relations
Anorexia Life Sex
Anxiety, Panic, OCD   Mood swings Sleeping problems   
Bulimia Obesity Stress symptoms
Child care Phobia Treatment
Depression Psychiatric drugs Workplace

This might on mobiles look like this:

Addiction Healthy Living
Psychotherapy ADHD
Personality disorders Relations
Anorexia Life
Sex Anxiety, Panic, OCD
Mood swings Sleeping problems
Bulimia Obesity
Stress symptoms Child care
Phobia Treatment
Depression Psychiatric drugs
This web site in different languages:

Note that the main information, the lists of links, is included in both the stationary and responsive version of this part of the page. But the wide screen and narrow screen versions differ in the following ways:

  1. The mobile table has only two columns, while the stationary table has three columns.
  2. The mobile table uses a smaller font than the stationary table.
  3. The mobile table has a larger line distance, so that a mobile users can click with a fingertop, which is less precise than clicking with a mouse.
  4. The narrow screen version has a less wide left margin than the wide screen version.
  5. The list of languages in the right of the window has been moved to another place in the web page.

All of this make the table narrower, so that it fits on the smaller windows of mobile devices without forcing the reader to horizontally scroll the window contents.

This work has only been started, It will probably not be ready until the end of the year 2024.