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Erectile Dysfunction - Psychological Causes

Abstract: Alcohol, drugs, fear of problem, distraction can cause dysfunction erectile problems.

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Erectile Dysfunction - Psychological Causes

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Written by: Wendy Moelker, psychologist in charge of Emergis, Goes, the Netherlands.
First version: 22 Jul 2008.
Latest revision: 22 Jul 2008.

What are the psychological causes of erectile dysfunction? Give advice on dysfunction erectile improving.


Various causes are possible for erection disorder. It can happen after a night out with a lot of alcohol or drugs. The next time after this incident the man may expect that it will go wrong again, causing him to focus more on not getting an erection. This takes away attention from the love play and the sexual stimulation and reduces the arousal, which confirms his expectation. This creates a vicious circle of expecting to fail, focusing too much on getting an erection and not on making love and therefore a reduction of arousal and thus the erection. Men with erection disorders may more often than other men:

  • Expect to fail.
  • Be distracted from making love.
  • Avoid it.

Many men with erection problems who look for help have suffered from the problem for years. The problem may get worse over time because psychological factors may start to play a role. There is often a strong tendency to avoid sex or to develop feelings of helplessness, anger or reproaches to the partner who would not stimulate him enough or would say or do the wrong things. Some people are so absorbed by the erection while making love that they hardly notice their partner or other arousing stimulations.

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