What are the contra-indications for psychological treatments?
There are very few contra-indications to psychological treatments and they only refer to the exclusive use of psychotherapy without the use of simultaneous physical therapies in a few, serious, psychiatric disorders.
In case of: acute psychosis, severe depression, hypomania, organic brain disease, severe personality disorder, or Anorexia Nervosa, any psychological treatment should be combined with some physical therapy.
In these cases, a previous assessment from a doctor (preferably a specialist in psychiatry) is mandatory.
Also, in these cases, any psychological treatment should be started only if it is included in a comprehensive treatment plan, i.e. a plan, which has been prescribed by a psychiatrist.
In any event, If you think you need psychotherapy for the treatment of a mental disturbance or for the relief of a physical symptom it is best to first ask your family doctor for an accurate assessment of your problem.