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on psychiatry and psychology

Finding Translations of Web4Health Answers

Written by: Jacob Palme
First version: 22 Jul 2008. Latest version: 22 Aug 2008.


If you see a Web4Health answer in one language, you can sometimes find the same answer in another language using the method described here.


How can I find the German, Greek, Italian or Swedish translation of an FAQ in English? Or in general, getting from the text in one language to the text in another language?


Web4Health contains a number of FAQs, of which many have been, or will be, translated to English, German, Greek, Italian and Swedish.

You can find all our FAQs from our home pages:
English home page:
German home page:
Greek home page:
Swedish home page:

After finding an FAQ, this FAQ has an address which looks like this:
where xxx-yyy-zzz is different for each FAQ.

To find the corresponding page in another language, just replace /en/ in the address of the web page with:
/en/ For English
/de/ For German
/gr/ For Greek
/sv/ For Swedish

Note 1: When this is written (August 2003) our directory and search system works best in English (Our web site is officially opened only in English at present). Thus, it is often best to use the English home page to find a page, and then look for a translation as described above, rather than trying to find the page directly from the home pages in other languages.

Note 2: Our different web pages with the same name are not always exact identical translations of the same page in another language. But the main content is the same.

Note 3: If an answer is not available in another language than English, you will be shown the English text when you ask for the text in another language.

Note 4: FAQ is short for "Frequently Asked Question".

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