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Can you have Bulimia Nervosa if you are Overweight?

Abstract: Yes, you can have Bulimia Nervosa and be overweight. This will happen if you have all the symptoms of Bulimia, but do not get rid of the additional calories to a large enough extent to stay normalweight.

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Can you have Bulimia Nervosa if you are Overweight?

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Written by: Gunborg Palme, certified psychologist and certified psychotherapist, teacher and tutor in psychotherapy.
First version: 22 Jul 2008.
Latest revision: 05 Aug 2008.

I have always yo-yoed dieted since I was old enough to care about my appearcance. I have since throughout this period i.e 14-21 thrown up or forced my self to vomit, when I have eaten something that i consider bad e.g Indian take away etc. I get my guilt issue from my mother who ate healthily however she considered all things like chocolate etc bad, naughty and so on. My question is can you be bulimic nervosa if you are over weight?


Yes, it is possible to have Bulimia Nervosa and still be overweight. As long as you continue vomiting, you feel no need to be responsible for overeating. This is why it is imperative that you stop vomiting. You need to become more in tune with when you are hungry or full in order to be rid of your eating disorder. Staying on a diet will not cause you to get well. You have to teach yourself to eat only when you are physically hungry. People suffering from Bulimia will stuff themselves with food in order to avoid psychological discomfort. You need to learn how to face up to and endure unpleasant things.

A person who has eating binges, but does nothing to get rid of the calories, is said to have Binge Eating Syndrom.

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