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Excessively Slim Ideals is a Cause of Eating Disorders; Eating Disorders and Fashion Magazines

Abstract: Eating disorders can be caused by slim ideals from media. Most women today feel that they are under an obligation to be slim.

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Excessively Slim Ideals is a Cause of Eating Disorders; Eating Disorders and Fashion Magazines

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Written by: Gunborg Palme, certified psychologist and certified psychotherapist, teacher and tutor in psychotherapy.
First version: 22 Jul 2008.
Latest revision: 05 Aug 2008.

Can the current abnormal demands for slimness cause eating disorders?


When beauty queens of former times and nowadays are compared it is obvious that they have become much slimmer. An appearance which was considered normal 50 years ago is rare today. In order to be as slim as fashion demands they are compelled to go around starving. Most women today feel that they are under an obligation to be slim. This results in an increasing number of them getting eating disorders.

Anorexia often begins with an attempt to be slimmer. Bulimia nervosa develops in 50 % of former anorectics when they can't manage to restrain their eating anymore.

Food containing a lot of sugar and fat dominate the market and if eaten regularly they soon cause an increase in weight. A person can get problems with self-image and eating through ideals which are spread by mass media. Many young women with a normal body shape get the idea that they are overweight and start slimming even though it is harmful for them.

In ancient China they bound the feet of young girls in order to prevent their feet growing to normal size and as a result they became invalids.

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