Do I have social phobia?
Do you feel afraid and uncomfortable when you are around other people? Is it hard for you to be at work or school? Please check whether any of the following statements apply for you.
- I have an intense fear that I will do or say something and embarrass myself in front of other people.
- I am always very afraid of making a mistake and being watched and judged by other people.
- My fear of embarrassment makes me avoid doing things I want to do or speaking to people.
- I worry for days or weeks before I have to meet new people.
- I blush, sweat a lot, tremble, or feel like I have to throw up before and during an event where I am with new people.
- I usually stay away from social situations such as school events and making speeches.
- I often drink to try to make these fears go away.
If any of the above statements is true for you then you may have Social Phobia.
There are also some screening instruments avaiable to get a routh idea about the symptoms of social phobia / anxiety. Maybe you are interested in the online version of the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale? Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale online. Opens in new window or new tab.