
Web4Health Services
Web4Health Statistics
Visitors Distribution by Language September 2004
Language Regions April to September 2004
How People Get to Web4Health
FAQs Produced
FAQs written versus ask-the-expert questions asked

Search Engine Optimization
Dubious/Unethical Methods of SEO
Example of phrase optimization
Ethics of Search Engine Optimization
How people find answers in our site

Cross-Lingual Question-Answering Architecture
Cross-Lingual Question-Answering Status
Cross-Lingual Question-Answering Demos


European Dimension and Cross-Cultural Issues
Medical Quality, Risks
FAQ Production Tool
Natural-Language Question-Answering
Comparison for the question: "What causes eating disorders?"
Stepwise Refinement
Forums, Chats, Ask-the-Expert
User and usage evaluations
Questionnaire Answers
User Observations and Interviews Result

Midterm review suggestions

Midterm Review Suggestions

Suggestion Action taken
Full anomymity in ask-the-expert area. Done.
Relevance feedback. Not done:
  1. Too complex to show.
  2. Better let users choose what is relevant.
Distinguish forum type. Underscoring plus colour scheme.
Editing enviroment. Dreamweaver can be used, built-in WYSIWYG editor too large effort to develop or integrate.
Machine translation should be used better.
  1. Cross-lingual question-answering.
  2. Tool aiding human translators, including Greek to German.
  3. Experiments with automatically translated forums.
Note: To use machine translation for FAQs would have been a breach of contract!
Commerical exploitaition. Charging for web site not done, since this would very much reduce the health value of Web4Health for Europe. Tried to get support by pharmaceptical industry, but did not get it (except via ads). Some partners will continue with local funding.
Incorrectly spelled questions. Implemented, but not in production usage yet.
Cultural diversity. Each regional partners has control of content in that region. Most content did not have to be modified between regions. Local links, legal issues and view of substance abuse modified between regions.
Dutch contribution. The Dutch partner has provided more FAQs/personmonth than any other partner.
Risk management. Special "show only this answer" feature implemented. Policy exists, but not much needed.
Full medical coverage. Would have been a breach of contract.