Jaki rodzaj free medycznych porad i konsultacji mogę otrzymać na stronie Web4health? Czy udostępnicie "zapytaj lekarza online" serwis? Czy mogę dostać poradę małżeńską bez opłat?
can provide free online medical advice in the areas of psychology, psychiatry, psychotherapy, personality, relationship problems and emotional issues.
our data base of existing FAQs to check if we already have the answer to your question.
You can also find our answers via the Menues or via the A-Z index.
If you do not find an answer, you can go to our
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area and write your question.We do not promise to answer all questions, and it can take 1-4 weeks before you get an answer. Your question and the answer will be published so that anyone can read them, but your name and identity will not be revealed, your question will be published anonymously.
Web4Health also provides Forums, where you can discuss personal and psychological problems with other users. You can participate using a secret name (pseudonym) to hide your real identity.
Web4Health has especially good coverage in the areas of depression, mood disorders, bipolar disorder, sexual disorders, eating disorders, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). Our experts are experienced psychiatrists, psychologists and psychotherapists. Web4Health is partially funded by the Commission of the European Communities.
Web4Health cannot answer questions regarding murder and suicide.
Web4Health cannot make a personal diagnosis and give advice based on such a personal diagnosis.
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