High Risk Pregnancy
High Risk Pregnancy
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2006 04:10:14 +0200
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I am 43 years old and I am six weeks pregnant. I have had two miscarriages, never had a full term pregnancy and I am very overweight. What are the dangers of my trying to lose weight during this pregnancy. I have been very carefully monitoring my nutritional intake since finding out I was pregnant three weeks ago. I have been trying to walk a little more, eat more fruits and vegetables and lean meats, no caffeine, no chocolate or candy. I have really changed my eating habits, but being such a high-risk preganancy, I am extremely nervous. Please, any advise would be helpful!
If you eat a normal healthy diet with vegetables, fruit and protein, your baby will get the nutrition it needs, and you will also slim down. Do not starve, just eat well.
Read mote about healthy eating.