hello, im a 22 year old male, i just recently had a major injury where i sliced the inside of my forearm and cut the fatia and muscle in my arm and had to be stitvhed all together, i was on tylenol 3 with codein for 3 weeks, i have a girlfriend and we always had sex multiple times a day and i could get an erection just as we started to make out , all of a sudden i had an experience where i started to get into it with her but nothin was happening , no erection, nothing, the next time i went to do it i def kno it was on my mind but no im finding it hard to get an erection at all even when she performs with hand, i do sometimes enfd up gettin one but it takes forever. Could it be cuz the medication or injury?, im off the pain killers now and thast when it staerted happening, but whilst i ws on them i was still having sex multiple times a day and have never ever had a problem in my life with it before? is it possible i have ED even if it just happened outta nowhere?., could it solely be the fact that im nervouse it wont go up now?, i talked to my partner about it, and we randomly attempt it, should i stop sex for a while, could it be just all in my head becuz i dont want her to get upset and i want to please her?.. wat r some ways i can get it off my mind?, i cant seem to blobk it out when im with her , i almost avoid sex and 2 weeks ago me and her could have sex at the drop of a hat. whats wrong?..any suggestions? could it be the tylenol 3 with codein and if so how long will the condition last?