I am currently in a social work class in college. In this class we are studying how group therapy/counseling aides people in coping or dealing with their crisis. The students in this class, including myself, recently chose topics involving group counseling to write a paper on. My topic is: How groups help teen girls cope with rape and sexual abuse, the focus is to show how effective it is, is it more effective than individual therapy, and the ups and downs of it. If you would, please give me your medical expertise opinion on which is more effective, individual or group, and why. Thank you so very much. I hope to hear from you soon.
The reason why my patients choose group therapy instead of individual therapy is mainly economical. But when they are in the group, they enjoy the closeness they get to several people and that they can get opinions from the other group members and not only from the therapist. They also think it is nice to feel that you are not the only person inte the world suffering from problems. And it is useful to get candid information about how other people react to what you say.
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