i am desparate for help
i am desparate for help
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 11:25:59 +0200
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I was diagnosed several years ago with bipolar 2, depression, chronic anxiety, and borderline personality disorder. Between my illnesses and the meds I'm on, I had to go on SSI, as I am unable to work. my problem is that the only counseling available to me is at an institution which my mate wants me to sue because of the way I was treated while I was there.( one flew over the cuckoo's nest was a church social compared to this place.) I am desparately need my meds adjusted or changed, but none of my local doctors are willing to do this because of the nature and size of the doses I'm on. I am finding myself getting progressively worse and feel the need for counseling especially after today. A situation arose today which set me of into a crying jag like I havn't been on in years, and my daughter found me in a catatonic state in the middle of the livingroom floor. The crying I could handle on its own, but the catatonic thing really freaked me out. What can i do aside from checking myself back into the hospital which I can't afford?
I often have patients, whose life situation seems hopeless and desperate at first glance. My first question is if there is anything they can do about it. They always come up with something. After doing this first step, they get a new view of their problems. By again and again asking if there is something to do to help their conditions, and encourage them to do this, it is possible to step by step improve their life.