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Feel Like Making Love

Written by: Wendy Moelker, psychologist in charge of Emergis, Goes, the Netherlands.
First version: 22 Jul 2008. Latest version: 22 Jul 2008.


Sexual arousal is an emotional and physical reaction to an erotic stimulation. Links to pages about problems with sexual arousal.


What is reduced interest in making love? What causes people to feel like making love and not feel like making love?


Feeling like making love, also called sexual desire, is an emotional and physical reaction to an erotic stimulation. This means that if you get sexually stimulated, usually a physical reaction, men get an erection for example and an emotional reaction, feel like making love, take place.

It is difficult to determine when someone has insufficient interest in making love. With people who don't have much interest in making love this feeling is always present and this influences the relationship with the partner or the person suffers from it in some other way. If you have no interest in making love, you don't have sexual thoughts and fantasies or lust for sex. It is important to look at the relationship between the partners. If one partner is usually more interested in making love than the other partner, then the one with less interest is often considered abnormal. However this person may not be less interested than 'average', but is only less interested than the partner.

More about Lack of Sexual Desire
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