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Depression Cure: Natural Cures for Depression

Written by: Jacob Palme, professor
First version: 22 Jul 2008. Latest version: 30 Jul 2008.


A list of articles about non-drug natural depression cures.


Is there any non-drug natural depression cure?


S't Johns Wort has not been tested in the same way as SSRI medicines, but is believed to help with less severe depression.
How to increase positive activities in your life.
A list of things you can do to overcome your depression and achieve satisfaction and harmony with life.
I get anxious and uncomfortable at work and I think I am a failure. I do not exercise and I eat too much.
How to stop depression by making your life more meaningful.
Self-monitoring through a mood diary can help depressed people understand their way of thinking.
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A longer list of articles about the treatment of depression.
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