Tomatis music CD therapy for ADHD?
Written by: Martin Winkler
First version: 22 Jul 2008.
Latest version:
22 Jul 2008.
There is little proof that Tomatis music therapy of ADHD works.
Is there a rational help by a Tomatis music therapy offered for ADHD?
I saw an advertisment for a CD with Tomatis therapy for ADHD. Would you recommend this therapy?
Many people and companies try to sell any possible item to the parents or patients with ADHD. Music might activate the brain and promote well-being. But there is no proof that a special Tomatis CD therapy would have any positive effect on the attentional problem. They claim to achieve a maturation of the brain, but these concepts are old, not very rational any more and seem to promote only the business of these companies.
Sorry, there is not a big chance to achieve any positive results except some subjective well-being. Maybe it would be easier to listen to a tune, sing together or go to a concert with the family...
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