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Malnutrition and Hair Loss

Written by: Fabio Piccini, doctor and Jungian psychotherapist, in charge of the "Centre for Eating Disorders Therapy" at the "Malatesta Novello" Clinic in Cesena. Works privately in Rimini and Chiavari. E.mail:
First version: 22 Jul 2008. Latest version: 07 Aug 2008.


I have lost 20 kilos in 6 months; I feel weak and I have started to lose some hair. Is there any connection between these two things?


I've lost 20 kilos in 6 months; I feel weak and I have started to lose some hair. Is there any connection between these two things?


The answer is yes, and the connection can be found in the effects of malnutrition: a very serious syndrome that include also this kind of problem.

A wise thing to do is to see a doctor and accept all the necessary examinations he will suggest in order to understand the causes of your symptoms; in the meantime you could try to follow a balanced diet that will respect your body needs and won't turn it into a skinny (and sick) body.

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