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Messy Living of Compulsive Eater

Written by: Gunborg Palme, certified psychologist and certified psychotherapist, teacher and tutor in psychotherapy.
First version: 22 Jul 2008. Latest version: 12 Aug 2008.


Compulsive eaters, like narcotics, want to get a fast kick. Everything else is unimportant.


Why is it so messy around a compulsive eater during her compulsive eating?


Compulsive eaters are out to get a quick kick, like a drug addict. They disregard everything else just then. They want to get away from mental anguish and feelings of worry and stress. It is urgent. There is no time to consider tidying up.

Happiness can be achieved in two ways: By working to arrange a good life around us or by a short cut through food and drugs, where the reward center in the brain is artificially stimulated. The former way is most often controlled by the more mature portion of the personality where the intelligence and ability to solve problems in a constructive way is used. Compulsive eating and drug addiction are controlled by the immature portion of the personality which requires immediate satisfaction and is unable to delay the need for it.

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