Money and Self-esteem
Money and Self-esteem
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2007 13:13:11 +0100
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Is there any relation between the amount of money you have or you earn and your self-esteem? Why do i get this feeling of high self-confidence when i have collected some amount of money? Also i feel greater than others who earn less than i do or sometimes even if they earn more. As if money is the only criteria for me do determine the worth of a person. I get quite stressed when i take up a high paying job as i feel that now i must avert people who earn less or those whom i find below myself in social ranks. Please advice.
If I like people I would like to have them as my friends even if they have more or less money than I have. If I do not like them, money will not help.
Read more about self-esteem.