this is abhijeet from nepal.i m 21 years old n male.
it was around 5 years back when i was in class 11,in class i felt like i can hear my haert beating n could feel like i can control its speed, so sometimes it almost stopped , i felt like unconsious.
i went to the doctor.i was sent to psychiatric depart.. .i was quirred for long. they found i was under depression.actually it was like i always felt. a kind of negative feelings,not able to chat freely with my friends,not getting proper sleeping.actually whenever my mind got concentrated towards my heart i felt so uneasy.anyhow i used to divert myself to some other nice things.
the doctor told me to take Fluoxetine 20 mg and klonazepam for 6 months. in which klonazepam i had to leave with gradual decrease in dose.
i did it n i got good results. i got back my concentration power. i could do good in my studies.
then i told to my doc that i want to leave the medicine .actually i felt like i should not get addicted to psycho medicine.
i left taking medicine in 4 months.
i felt ok for next 6 months. again it started to feel disturbed./its like some physical force in my body which is not letting me to do what i wanted.
again i ran to my doc now he told me that i will have to take the medicine for 1 year this time.
again i did n i was its more than 2 years i have left the medicine taking.
now again i m feeling quite same.but i now i m in much better condition than before.
should i take same medicine again.
will it be helpful to me. my doc is not now here.
i need help.