Husband's suspicion and my guilt
Husband's suspicion and my guilt
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2006 16:49:57 +0100
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I have been a recovered bulimic for almost two years now. My husband was the first and is only person (apart from my therapist) to whom I disclosed the disorder. He does, of course, still wonder whether I binge and purge, especially when he sees that I've eaten large quantities of food or foods that would have been triggers for me in the past. I am most definitely NOT binging and purging and I am very proud of myself for being able to have a lot of ice cream every one in a while without feeling bad about it or being able to eat a handful of Cheetos without wanting more or, again, feeling bad about it. What can I do to help relieve his nervousness? And how can I stop from or come to terms with my radical guilt about having even brought this problem into our marriage in the first place?
Thank you so much.
You will have to accept that he gets nervous. The human brain functions that way, as once he had a reason to be nervous. Do not eat Cheetos or a lot of ice cream in front of him, if you do not want to stress him.