Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2006 05:53:16 +0200
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If you were to ask me face to face what's wrong I'd say nothing. What terrifies me is that what if I wake up one day and I'm an old woman who is alone. I have this problem with sex. I'm 20 and am still a virgin. My best friend calls it respectable, but what she doesn't know is that I'm disgusted by it. I hate it when guys even touch me. I wanna scream get off me! This is what I think when I kiss someone. It's not just that I hate physical contact. I wish it were just that. I actually don't want to ever have a relationship, I have no interest in having a partner. The only person who knows this is my sister. She thinks I'm going to be unhappy for the rest of my life because of this, but I for one don't see why I would be. I have never had a relationship and don't need one to be happy. In my mind a career and friends is all I need. I just don't know if maybe when I get to be older I'll maybe regret this decision or not. Please help, I think we both know I need it.
You have a right to live without sex, if you want to. If you do not want to be alone, you can live with friends. Many people regret that they got married.