My husband has been in and out of the hospital for epsisodes of vomiting and abdominal pain over a period of ten years. After doing every possible medical test, the doctors find nothing physically and say it is a psychiatrc problem. The latest episode included 14 days of vomiting, dangerously lo potassium levels,no food at all for 16 days and barely any liquids.So far he has taken Lexapro and Remeron and neither has helped. This time he burned himself slightly by pouring boiling H20 into the bathtub. He often takes very hot baths to try to relieve his pain, but this time it became obsessive (60 baths a day)and he can't seem to stop.I took him to the emergency room as before but this time he insisted on having a hot H20 bottle on his abdomen at all times and became extremely agitated as the nurses took it from him. He said I'd broken the "marital code" by telling hospital staff about his behavior at home. He has talked of death but not really suicide. He is usually quite depressed, sleeping a lot, no interest in life, etc. Today he ate his first solid food and kept it , told me he must go into a residential psych hospital so "they" can help him. He does realize that the hospitals have done all the tests they can do. These episodes are coming closer and closer together and last longer than in the past.
any ideas?