Losing hope
Losing hope
Date: Sat, 10 Sep 2005 00:09:41 +0200
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I am losing hope in people and the world. I hate my roots, i hate my family, i hate the people in my country and i hate everything about my culture. People don't respect each other. Also some of them have been so much cheap and mean to me at times, even if i tried to help them or acted kind towards them. They took advantage of my kindness and used me. I have realized similar pattern of behaviour amongst people belonging to my country. This is giving me a despicable feeling for my countrymates who were supposed to be my brothers and sisters. Even some of the closest people have acted so much selfish at times that i have sort of lost faith in them and can't trust a human being anymore. When your parents and family members, whom you gave away your soul, cheat you and take advantage of their children's feelings for them, i think it couldn't get worst. Is there any hope for me?
Yes, but find other friends, whom you can trust and rely on. Leave those who are not good for you. Thera are many wonderful people in the world. Find them!