Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2005 18:47:52 +0200
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I have some isuues that I need to tell someone about. I was sexually active at the age of five,at this age I was embarassing to tell you this but I was humping this doll I had. I beat up a dog my mom had ayorkshire. I broke its leg and I was only four,I remember my mother telling me why did you do that to the dog. At eight iwas kissing a couple of girlfriends I had and a boy that i was friends with,I never had intercorse just touching each other. Then once when I was nine me and my sister were sexually active toward one another. I felt so guilty about that and one day I talked to her about it and she said that it was normal behahvior she had friends that said they did the same things when they were kids. I had intercorse when I was 19. One time I had a dream that I touched one of my parents groin area but I don't know if my brain is being disalunishal. I have had very unsucessful relationships with men. And it seems when I get a boyfriend that really cares about me I always play mean mind games with them and I love to hurt them, like lastnight i told my boyfriend i was going to leave him for a rich man, and I'm never in the mood to have sex with him,we did at first but now for the last year I could care less if I have sex. I had some issues with my menstral periods being normal and one time I din"t have a period for four months they put me on merceitt birth control and it helped my mood swings alot and i had normale periods. But I'm thinking maybe something in my past is causeing me to act out in anger to men that love me,I actully hit my boyfriend before, He is so good to me and I have been so horrible to him I feel like I'm crazy. I hope you can help me Heather
Psychotherapy can help you to find out if something in your past is causing you to act out in anger to men that love you. Otherwise you have to take responsibility for your actions and be kind to the people you do not want to lose.