I've always suspect that my husband has more than one extra marriage relationships. He has never accepted and always got angry when I raised the issue, blaming me for being too jealousy and more...
Recently I managed to get his phone call sheets and realased that he calls and exchanges messages at least 5 times a day with each of 4 other females, long lasting relationships. He does meet each of them at least in 2-3 days.It seems that in a way he does care for all, but none knows about the other. indeed the relationships are risky as he is involved with people I know and I've been introduced with.
In the family in general and in the public he is a highly respected businessman. I've got information that he has been involved in such situations and before I married him.I know sex is very important for him.He tends to buy lots of gifts, especially parfumes and lingeries for all his misstresses.
I'm highly dubious that he might suffer from a disorder, a patholgy or some sort of ...
Don't know what to do? He would refuse any thing I claim, I am sure he would say all messages and phone calls are bussiness, though many of them are made late at night.
If there is a disorder I won't to convince him and be treated, I have a family and 3 kids.
Am I right, what should I do?
Please help
Your husband uses his phone calls late at night to relieve the stress after a busy day. This does not have to mean that he has a disorder. He might just be an ordinary male chauvinist, who thinks he has the right to live out his wishes, even if it hurts you. If you cannot change him by asking him to stop or make him seek help, your choices are either to leave him or accept him the way he is.