My daughter is 13 months old and I am ready to stop breastfeeding. Astryn (my daughter), only feeds at night, but its ALL night! From the day she was born, we have let her sleep in our bed, and feed whenever she wants. Well, since i stopped feeding durring the day, she will feed until she falls asleep then wake up many times durring the night to feed again. If I refuse her she screams, if I put her in her bed she screams, so I end up half way sleeping all twisted up so she can nurse all night long. I have come to realize that this probably a result of my own actions, but I don't know how to fix it. I read in a nother e-mail you recommend for the father to help with putting the child to bed, but my husband works a lot and is not always home at bed time or even all night long. I'll try anything, please help!