relationship probs
relationship probs
Date: Fri, 6 May 2005 00:46:52 +0200
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Hi there im in a gay relationship with a man twice my age im 20 and he is 40 hes got my head in bits.He found a lump on 1 of his testicles and he refuses to go to the doctors.And when i say go to the doctors he gets all wound up and has a go at me for no reason and tells me to keep out of his buisniness as its nothing to do with me apparently,over the past few months we have not slept at all in the same bed.And sex is only ok when he wants it.I try and show affection towards him and he keeps pushing me away saying hes buisy or not well wich is just an exuse.The only time he is ok with me is when he either wants money or wants sex.He spends all day and all night sat at the computer on the internet sometimes only getting an hours sleep.He even urinates in cups rather than going to the toilet.He also gos mad if i send text messages or stay on the telephone to somebody for more than 5 mins i pay most the bills.He always tells me that i shouldnt talk to my family and freinds because he doesnt like them.He is really messing my head up please help
You seem very unhappy with this man. What are the reasons for you not to leave him?