sick people
sick people
Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2005 04:58:31 +0200
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some one who thinks that they are sick and want to believe it but they are not sick. my friend cuts her self and i think that she gets it from the music she listens to and the movies she watches. i beleve that she wants people to give her sympathy.she is really obsesive when it comes to guys,she changes her mood to suit with what she is doing. she tells people about her cutting her arms she doesnt cut her wrist. she keeps a diary and leaves it were people can find it so they can read it. on one page it had a guys name with her blood all over the page. when she cuts her self she collects her blood in a bottle. i dont know what to do she even says to people that she has voices in her head which cant be true because she is not scitsafrenick. please tell me what i should do
Your friend needs psychotherapeutic help. Suggest that she ask her parents for help.