My 68 year old mother has a mentally disturbed neighbour who has just moved in next door. Her unit over looks mum's yard and every now and then, when mum ventures into the yard the neighbour will yell nonsensical abuse at her. I told mum to ignore her as I thought it may make the neighbour fixate on her but it hasn't made any difference. The neighbour, sometimes dressed in a silver, mask has been on mum's front lawn taking photos of her house. She has also stated that she is the president of the CIA. Mum is obviously very concerned.What should mum do? ignore her or try to reason with her or what?
Steve Daniel
Grannen är uppenbarligen psykiskt sjuk. Att resonera med henne henne hjälper knappast, eftersom hon lever i sin egen verklighet. Det bästa din mamma kan göra är att inte reta grannen och försöka bortse från henne så mycket det går.