I have never recieved councelling of any sort, but recently i am getting fed up with dealing with my ACD. I find myself ritualisticly doing things that i know have no relivance or importance... i try to stop myself but somehow only continue to do repetitive activities such as washing my hands or praying. i often find myself associating God with evilness somehow and therefor continue to pray trying to wash theses thougts from my mind. i know it sounds silly. i need help and i dont know where to go. i have had this for a long time probably since i was about 8 and i am now 20. i would say a lot has to do with the fact i was sexually melested as a child (grade 1)and have not told anyone in my family about it, except for my boyfriend.
i know i can overcome this and am ready to do this. could you please help me and advise me of simple things i could do to stop? i would greatly appreciate your help.
i sincerly thank you.