Lump on Neck/Chin
Lump on Neck/Chin
Date: Sat, 23 Oct 2004 04:29:11 +0200
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I have a lump on my neck/chin. It is pretty much a surface lump in that it moves around when i move the skin around it. I noticed it about a month and it was rather small. I don't recall if I had been binging and purging much around then. I am an anorexic/ bulimic. This past week I have had a bad bout of the bing purge cycle. Just yesterday i noticed the lump has gotten bigger and is kind of a grey color almost like it is brused. I was talking to a friend who said I should get it checked out becuase it may be caused by my bulimic life of this past week. I was wondering if this may be true or if it could just be a very long eduring skin irritation.
Contact your medical doctor and discuss your lump with him. only answers psychological questions.