Feeling replaced.
Feeling replaced.
Date: Sun, 17 Oct 2004 23:20:10 +0200
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My husband is away at basic training for the Army and I have moved in with my parents. My runaway cousin decided to leave her abusive boyfriend and come live with my parents as well. She has a 10 month old daughter and my 21 year old cousin has a mentality of a 12 year old. My mother and grandmother feel that they can change her and spend every waking moment trying to teach her how to be a woman. I only have one and a half months with my family before I join my husband and we will be moving hundreds of miles away. I am angry that I can't spend this time with my family and I feel like I am being replaced. How do I leave and go and have a life with my husband and not feel like I have lost my family?
Berätta för dina föräldrar hur du känner det. Be dem om egen tid när du umgås med en i taget. Kanske kan ni ta en promenad tillsammans varje dag, så du får möjlighet att tala ut om dina känslor.