i am 38 years old and my thirteen year relationship has had its fair share of problems. this is mainly due to my husbands infidelity. i hate my life feel jittery all the time and for the first time in my life have resorted to anti depressants for a way out i dont function well at the moment and feel very withdrawn.i have three gorgeous kids and my sister is a wonderfully supportive person.i cannot talk to my husband he is unable to discuss emotional matters with me and tends to expect it all to go away with little or no effort.please help i feel life is unbearable and know there is no magic cure and have only been on medication for three days but want to feel better more than anything i feel ugly worthless and hate everything about myself please help me
Antidepressiv medicin har inte effekt förrän efter flera veckor.
Ge din man en tankeställare genom att fråga honom, om han tycker det är okay att du tar dig samma friheter som han gör.
Har du möjlighet att försörja dig själv, så att du kan skapa ett eget liv och slippa dela det med en man som gör dig olycklig?