My son is showing SEVERE emotion issues when it comes to his mother. we both have 50-50 legal and physical custody and he is with her one week and with me the next. For the past 4 months, when its time for him to go to his mother, he becomes very scared and uneasy and always says "daddy I want to stay with you". Its more than just him choosing one parent over the other he is in obvious fear of his mother. I have seen her correct him and she is very mean and it puts fear into him.
This is definately emotional abuse.
What can I do?
Du bör uppsöka en advokat och utforska dina möjligheter att få beslutet om delad vårdnad upphävt.
Om det visar sig omöjligt bör du försöka bli vän med din före detta fru. Då har du störst möjlighet att kunna påverka henne och din sons liv. Fientlighet mellan föräldrarna går tyvärr ofta ut över barnen. Ju bättre och tryggare hon känner sig dess bättre mamma orkar hon vara.