I've been with my boyfriend for 5 years. In the first year he developed a condition which would stop him leaving his house as he was scared to be in unfamiliar places, public places, even at some one elses house. He had councelling which helped him but it came back, then after more councelling he has been fine for about 3 years. But recently he has been acting very strange about the future. I will hopefully be gettin a job next year after university and will therefore be moving out of my parents house. We agreed that we would do this together. Then a few weeks ago I suggested about going on our first holiday together abroad. I always go away with my family but I'm 21 now and feel like it is something that he and I should be doing together. He was alright with it until today when he told me he is feeling scared and has the same feelings he had years ago. He is frightened that the condition will come back and he won't be able to go out again. He said that life is begining to get difficult because he doesn't like planning the future as it scares him. He said its getting to the point where he is scared of being scared.
I don't think I have a future with him, how is someone like that going to ever want to move out of his parents house? (he works for his parents by the way)How is he ever going to be not scared to get married or have children and if we have those things have I got to deprive our children and myself of any holidays? It sounds pretty pathetic I know, but I think letting me down over holidays is only the begining. I've always stood by him but I think he's holding me back now from my own life.
I fear that if i break up with him it will only make him worse. He only really has one true friend who he occasionally see's. Other than that he doesn't do any other socialising apart from with his family.
I need some advice, I can tell my parents are dying to tell me to get out of there before he drags me down even more, as they can see how down he gets me.
Please help me someone, I don't know what to do.