Am 63 year old woman. Have had numerous problems for several months-sinus infections (numerous antibiotics), diverticulitis (flaygl), & a burst of vaginal fluid (like when a woman's water burst at childbirth). Also have high chloresterol & low thyroid. Each of these conditions have been tested thorouhly. A CT Scan revealed a thicking in the lining of the colon & two cysts on both kidneys. In the past month or so, I've had a constant feeling of being frightened. The feeling is 24/7 & never goes away. I've tried deep breathing methods as well as diazapam and lorazapam. Neither makes this feeling go away. It's there when I wake up and stays at the same level all day. I don't have trouble sleeping and am not consciencely afraid of anything. In the past few months, I've been exposed to lead paint and mice droppings (a lot of them). I am also slighly nauseated, have mild headaches & constant ear ringing. Do you have any clue what's causing this fearful feeling? Thanks.