Unhealthy Celebrity Crush?
Unhealthy Celebrity Crush?
Date: Sat, 8 Sep 2007 08:00:51 +0200
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I have an incredible infatuation with a celebrity (Taylor Hanson). I cannot stand how physically attractive he is to the point of either thinking about not being with my boyfriend who I love dearly or just making myself incredibly sad realizing that there's no way I can ever be with him sexually probably. It seems to come in waves, like a few months will go by where I won't really think about it, I mean I'll still think he's attractive, but not to that extent, and then for a few weeks I won't know what to do with myself. Is this unhealthy or healthy? And also, what can I do about it if it is unhealthy because I can't control who I find attractive. Thanks for you help.
This is normal among teenagers. When they get older, they accept the partner they can get.
Write a letter to him and ask for an appointment. You never know.