Can he change/control his bipolar disorder?
Can he change/control his bipolar disorder?
Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2007 06:00:02 +0200
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I am still in love with my ex-boyfriend, but I think he has bipolar disorder and I can't handle it when he loses his temper. I broke up with him 6 months ago and told him to seek help. He is seeking help and making efforts to learn to control his temper. We both want to get back together, but I worry that this problem will come up again. I didn't realize he had any type of problem for a very long time, his tempers are somewhat infrequent, but when he loses it over something very insignificant it really upsets me and makes me worry that he would behave that way in front of our children if we ever got married. He grew up in an abusive household and tells me he would never treat his kids that way. I have seen him again recently for the first time in 5 months (with very little phone contact). He apologized for his behavior in the past and told me I did not deserve to be treated that way (ie - yelled at for something I could not control). He promised he could control his temper and treat me better than before. I really want to believe him and give him another chance, but I am very worried about falling even more in love with someone with such an intense problem. Please let me know if this is something that can be controlled, if it gets passed down to children, if I should suggest medication (I don't think he has tried this) or if I should just stay away and try to meet someone without this problem. I just worry that everyone has problems and I don't want to reject the love of my life because I didn't give it another chance.
Encourage him to seek treatment and give him one more chance.