Catch 22
Catch 22
Date: Thu, 31 May 2007 19:29:20 +0200
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I met a woman over six years ago and fell madly in love with her. During those six years, she has left me several times for various reasons such as another man, doesn't see me enough, or simply because she says it will not work out. Life always goes on and suddenly, I will hear from her again. I always forgive her and we get back together, she tells me she loves me and wants to spend the rest of her life with me. The last time, she said she wanted to marry me and we spent the weekend talking about marriage and out plans for a life together. A few days later she calls and says that it is over because her son doesn't want to move in with me. I tell her that we shold just give him time as the marriage date was still a year away and she said no...she wanted to end it forever. How can a person be so in love with another and the next day change their mind? This has happened over and over with this woman. I tell myself that she is a liar and a cheat and I am better off without her, but I feel addicted to this woman and seem to be obcessed. The bottom line is I love her and have always been willing to go through the pain of it all just to be with her. Am I a nutjob? Do I need professional help. Should I avoid any contact with her?
She might be suffering from borderline personality disorder. Then she has two alternating persons, one very negative and one very positive. Only stay with her if you can accept her personality. She needs professional help. Do not live together with her, but if you want to, you can be there for her when she is in the mood. Learn more about borderline personality disorder.