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How Secure is Web4Health

Written by: Jacob Palme, professor, Stockholm University
First version: 22 Jul 2008. Latest version: 22 Aug 2008.


Description of how safe Web4Health and what you write in Web4Health is from misuse.


How secure is the protection for me and my family in Web4Health?


  1. The e-mail-adress which you specify when you ask a question will only be used to send the answer to the question and will not be shown to anyone or used in any other way.
  2. All questions and answers are publicly available. If you do not want to be identified, do not inlcude your name or other identifying information in your question.
  3. Login is encrypted to make it more difficult for other people to get access to your password.
  4. If you register yourself as a registered user, the information you write in the registry form will be available to anyone.
  5. The security against invasion by cunning saboteaurs is medium. This means that we cannot guarantee that a cunning saboteur will not succeed in an infringement attack.
  6. If a user of Web4Health uses it for illegal purposes, such as distribution of child porn or libel, we may try to find out who it is, for example if the police asks us to.
  7. Read more about Web4Health and your privacy. separator Copyright 2003-2015 Web4Health