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Therapeutic Alliance for the Treatment of Panic Disorders

Written by: Martin Winkler
First version: 22 Jul 2008. Latest version: 22 Jul 2008.


Description of important items in the psychotherapy of panic attacks.


What should a good psychotherapist do at the beginning of a therapy for anxiety disorder?


Many patients with anxiety disorders have suffered for a very long time and tried a lot of different approaches to cope with their anxiety attacks of find some way to get a little bit relief. So it is very important the the therapist will respect these expierences of the client and offers a very calm and sensitive atmosphore to talk about the problem.

The most important messages for the patient with panic attacks are:

To establish a good therapeutic relationsship is mainly done with:

Today most psychotherapists will consider the option to use an additional pharmacotherapy (e.g. using antidepressant medication with SSRI). Pros and Cons of this approach and the patient´s concerns about medication (or the use of alternative or contemplative methods) should be addressed by the therapist.

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