Recently i have been been divorced.
i have started telling lies about my past and some aspects of my present since this divorce.
the present lies have been there to cover up the past lies and so on and son on.
this has meant that i cannot keep track of what i have said or done. And obviously i get caught out a lot.
I was not always like this just since my divorce last year.
I want to sort myself out and get back to the person i was before but firstly i do not know if this is a medical problem or a psychological problem.
Also i need to know what to do in terms of treatment.
Please help me as i am getting more and more depressed that longer this goes on.
Hoppas du har möjlighet att börja i psykoterapi för att reda ut ditt liv. Som du själv säger: det är opraktiskt att ljuga, därför att man glömmer vad man har sagt till vem och till slut har man trasslat in sig totalt.