Im the oldest of four children, Im 23 and the other children range from 21 to 12. Everytime there is a problem I always try to fix it even if they dont ask. I also dont trust my sisters they are always getting into problems and lying. When i believe they are lying I go and find the truth and then confront them. However, my confrontations are never peacefull. I get emotional, start to scream and cry. I onced slapped my sister and then I felt guilty.
I want to know how to stop being so motherly or i even can. I know my siblings hate this about me they tell me, they tell there friends, and whoever knows me because then i find out. I makes me cry because they dont realize how it hurts me or my parents when they lie or say something mean.
I just wish there was a way I could be less motherly and more sisterly. They (siblings) tell me i never side with them. I always getting them in trouble with my parents. I just...I dont know...
Mother Poultry
Är det inte rimligt att en 23-åring flyttar hemifrån. Gör du det, tvingas dina systrar ta ansvar för sina egna liv. Kanske blir er relation bättre, när du inte finns där jämt.