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  im in love with a married man
  Re: im in love with a married man

KOM2002 (reply)  Re: im in love with a married man

Re: im in love with a married man (Reply to: 106961 from 76F7E71176F2E76F7688E71676F7E71C768EE715 )
From: 76E17C0876E37C0A769D7C0976E27C7476EF7C0B
Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2007 20:57:19 +0200
Language: English


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I believe we all are very sorry about this situation, if it makes any sense we are not heartless people trying to steal some husband's affection or money or even sex; We are human beings in love, yes in love... that strange enormous feeling you wives feel for your husbands and they feel for you, we are mostly sorry to love somebody that does not loves us and even though they do we could never be together because you came first and they loved you first.

We do not have any intention to hurt or harm anybody else's feelings, we sometimes even prefer to be hurt than hurt others; and you're right about lots of things, we all dirty misstresses know about it, we don't deserve to be threated like this, we deserve single men and you wives or husbands deserve a quiet life with the ones you love but this is something we just never saw it coming, you start talking to somebody or even going out and the next thing you stupidly know is you can't resist a day without talking to him or seeing him; from one day to another you're just in love, waiting... for one word, one hug... one single moment for him to run away from his home and be with you...

I am in love with a married man and I know how bad it is, and I am so damn sorry with everything in the world, I spend most of my time thinking about what could it be if he was single, I do the strangest most imbecile things to be with him and I truly hate this feeling but there is nothing I want to do about it, I know what to do and I could do it but I hate my self for not wanting to do it just yet. I hate liying to my parents and friends, I hate having no considerations or importance in his life because I came to late and he does not even deserve to change his life and unbalance everything he's got just for me.

Thanks for this, for all your comments, its really sad to be like this but please never forget we all can make something about this, once we get tired enough or sad enough we are going to leave it, maybe with some help and lots of tears on the way but we can... just don't wait to long and try enough to never hurt or tell anybody else because there are lots of people that don't need to suffer for our sins.

Yes they like us, maybe they love somebody of you (because I know he doesn't love me for sure) but always have in mind they're not going to leave everything behind not even when they love, it's their life we are talking about, it's what they are ... what we are trying to enter.

Above all, I'm happy when he's around, I have lots of ilusions and dreams for him and with him, What can I say? I love him... I truly do. Please, take care and don't judge before hearing or knowing what the sluts (us as society calls cheaters) have to say.

Thanks to all, it's been great for me to write this.

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