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Assertiveness, Communication skills, Self-esteem

Written by: Martin Winkler and Gunborg Palme
First version: 22 Jul 2008. Latest version: 17 Feb 2012.


What is Assertiveness? How do I learn to express my needs and rights? How do I develop self-esteem? How do I get people to do what I want them to do?


What is Assertiveness?
How do I learn communication skills to express my needs and rights?
How do I develop self-esteem?


Assertiveness is the ability to express your needs and rights, positive or negative feelings without violating the rights and limits of others.

Assertiveness is the:

No one will be able to achieve these goals at once. Before you try to develop skills for assertive behaviour you have to believe that you have the legitimate rights to have this needs:

Getting your way

How can you get people to do what you want? You must first realize that life is give and take. If you do what other people want, you can easier get them to do what you want.

You may feel that life is unfair to you, that you have to give a lot, and get little back. There are different strategies that you might use to set this right.

  1. Complain, nag, quarrel, scold, hate, fight.
  2. Praise, warmth, love.

In general, the second method is more successful than the first. Tell people clearly what you want. But do this in a neutral or positive way, not in a quarreling way. Give praise whenever people do what you want, satisfy your needs. But instead of quarreling, just say nothing when they do not do what you want. This is in most cases the most effective strategy.

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