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ADHD in Adults - Adult ADHD

Abstract: Treatment of ADHD in adults requires a combination of several approaches; exercises might be included, but other methods of treatment are usually also needed.

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ADHD in Adults - Adult ADHD

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Written by: Martin Winkler
First version: 22 Jul 2008.
Latest revision: 22 Jul 2008.

Are there any special exercises for adults with adhd (inattentive type). I am an adult now; are there any special treatment to improve attention and distractibility in adults due to adhd?


I donĀ“t think that it makes much sense to try any special exercises to try to improve attentional functions. Most of the advertisements which offer better concentration or attentional function are not worth a try. One possibility might be the use of EEG-biofeedback. This method uses a visible and /or auditory signal to influence the EEG-brain waves. This can alter the attentional functions at least for a restricted period and may offer improved attentional functions. However, little knowledge is available about the long-term success rate and it takes a rather long time to learn this together with a specialized therapist.

Treatment of adhd for children, adolescents or adults is based on a multimodal treatment approach. The most effective therapy is a combination of psychopharmacotherapy (usually psychostimulant medication) and psychotherapy.

You should learn to adapt to the special impairments of adhd (executive dysfunction with problems of self-organization, low frustration tolerance, affective instability) and try to develop good coping skills. One way to handle these problems would be a coach and / or a cognitive-behavioral therapy with self-management skills.

It is important to get sufficient information about the everyday symptoms of this syndrome, and to learn to adapt to the benefits and problems due to the deficits of executive functions. I would recommend keeping symptom diary to monitor typical problems of attention, distractibility or organization skills. With a psychotherapist or coach you can learn to develop appropriate ways to handle these problems and focus on your interests and strengths to develop personal resources.

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